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Subscriber Terms & Privacy Policy


I promise i will never share your personal information with anyone for any reason under the sun, in perpetuity throughout the multiverse, with liberty and justice for all, amen.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts and opinions, I promise to only use the info you provide as a force for good (never evil). Scout's honor! The information you choose to share will help to improve the quality of the customer experience at all future Kempmusik performances. Thank you for your continued support. We thrive because of your generosity.


this website and its content are the sole work of Matthew Kemp and his cowriters, collaborators, and contributors.  the opinions expressed here are my own.  No portion of this website or its contents may be borrowed, used, or otherwise taken by anyone without the written permission of Matthew Kemp or an authorized representative.  Don't steal my stuff. Just ask, ok? Please, reach out anytime for questions, comments, or snide remarks


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